Thursday, August 26, 2010

this morning

there was a brown grasshopper on my windshield. looking right at me. he sat there as i drove. i was going to brush him off but realized there were a bunch of bird and worried about him, so i backed up back by my yard and got out and shoo'ed him off. . .
grass hopper medicine?

Grasshoppers/Locusts medicine includes jumping across space and time, astral travel, new leaps forward/leaps of faith/jumping without knowing where you will land, leaping over obstacles, ability to change careers quickly.

There are 10,000 or so species of grasshopper, they are cold blooded as all insects are and are more mobile when it is warmer. Each species has their own unique song. However, only the males are able to sing with a few exceptions - the males sing to compete for female attention. The power of sound and song is part of grasshoppers medicine. It is an ancient method to use song to alter ones consciousness and communicate with animals and spirits. There are some native amwrican songs that date back 20,000 years. If grasshopper has leapt into your life, maybe you need to recognise where you come from, to go back to your roots and to honour your ancestors.

Grasshopper is the Chinese symbol of good luck and abundance. Anyone with this power animal has been given the ability to take chances - to act on a whim and jump right in. For them things may not progress step by step as they do for other people progress - but rather extremely fast. When taking that leap simply trust your own instincts on when to make the leaps. Listening to your inner voice and responding to it will lead you to positive outcomes. Don’t be afraid to make that leap, remembering all the while that Grasshopper’s only ever jump forwards and never backwards!

Remember: the fruits of the earth are for all to enjoy and there is plenty for all if used in a sacred way. People sometimes forget this sacred balance and take more than needed - this may also be an indication of people taking from you. Do others claim too much of your time and energy? Do they try and make you take responsibility for their actions? Ask yourself these questions, remembering that the going only gets tough when we refuse change.

sounds good! (got this info from here)

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